Before and after.

I walk home through the lane when I leave work.

Sometimes I find clothing, sometimes I find food and pick it up and then I sometimes find toiletries. I will take all of it and pass it on if I can’t use it and if I can I will store it or wash it. This is my thing, the lane is the heartbeat of any city and I highly encourage you to take a stroll through one and see what you can see. Trust me, it will be fun.

I discovered the lanes when I moved to Vancouver and realized that no one has any driveways and the garbage and recycling are picked up in the lane.

When my husband left me I started to collect what I could find from the lane because he left me in our apartment that was 800 square feet and took all of the furniture with him. Most of it was indeed his, I refinished it before we moved out of his mom’s basement. This is a much longer story to be told outside of a blogpost but it gave birth to my lane adventures, so there is always a sliver lining to every situation. I started to find things in the lane that gave way to filling up my empty apartment and also giving me something to do so that I can get over this horrible time in my life. My grandmother had just died as well. It was two decades ago and I have definitely moved past this chapter in my life.

The lanes gave me a new perspective and I started to find a lot more than what I mentioned before so I decided to begin to photograph them.

Part of the photo project I have been working on since 2021 I have been photographing dead birds I find. I know that is weird but I find it very interesting.

I once found a pigeon sitting with their dead mate. This series in this post I also found a mate flying above trying to protect their partner. The crow dive bombed me and I only grabbed one frame, the first one on the left and the last two I took the next day. I was sad to see that the bird had passed and I hope that the crow who was there to protect them has found peace.

Deanna Flinn

Portrait and editorial photographer and mural maker living in Vancouver, BC, and travelling worldwide.

Daisy, street side editorial.


Alone together in a room.